Devices Taskforce Objective
Determining types of equipment (standards, device types, ownership model) needed to provide adequate telehealth, remote work, online learning, and small business internet success.
The Devices Task Force held its second on July 6, 2021, and included representatives from multiple sectors interested in resolving the digital divide in the Los Angeles County region. Taskforce members recapped the common themes from the first meeting (matching devices to the user, deployment of the device, technical support, Cybersecurity), reviewed three state legislative bills, and received presentations from human i-T and COX.
Asset mapping for the LA DEAL website for community use
Conduct community survey to gather input on the device needs/availability/costs
human- I-T shared information about methods of community distributions of computer devices. The following are the key highlights:
human I-T connect an e-commerce site, and anyone purchases a device by simply
Upload low-income proof
limited amount of devices
non-profit would need to upload a determination letter
The devices are sold to schools to loan or give devices to students, and – tech support is available for one year.
Examples of Custom Distributions
Key strategies – work with people where they are
Frontier/CETF – funded to connect people to low-cost internet
Our Cycle LA – provided refurbished devices–one device per household- the parameters set by LA Councilmembers
Los Angeles College Promise–Distribute 6000 computers to incoming Los Angeles Community college students
United Way — Partnership with Wayne Steve University → Provided tablets to senior citizens for telehealth
Tech support to students throughout the year–55,000 students – Call rate in the high 25-30%
Partnership with COX to distribute to their national program
70,000 devices distributed during the health pandemic
Cox provided an update on its low-cost internet program, implemented in 2012 in partnership with Computers to Kids in 2013. The following are the key highlights:
Grassroots with in-person events in San Diego
National partners with EBB
Launching their application to help national distribution
One year free tech support
Cox financial supporter
Devices donated by San Diego Unified
A tech support conversation ensued, and the following are the highlights:
Raising community awareness about the availability of devices is essential; this includes ensuring families pick up devices from schools—this is a challenge for schools. Lynwood Unified principals and support staff provide tech support. Schools own the devices, so when tech support is required, para-educators make a 3-way conversation with tech help support.
California State University allowed students to be co-owners of devices and therefore can contact Dell tech support directly.
The City of LA is partnering with various organizations on device giveaway–this includes:
Tech to go program – check out devices from the local library
Our Cycle LA – giveaway new computers
Pilot with AARP for seniors on telehealth with tablets
Student to student program – stipend for siblings to support younger siblings at home
The Devices Task Force meets virtually monthly and includes health, nonprofit, education, business, city municipalities, and internet service providers. To learn more, visit:
Meeting #3 is scheduled for August 3, 2021.
Updated: Sep 2, 2021
Determining types of equipment (standards, device types, ownership model) needed to provide adequate telehealth, remote work, online learning, and small business internet success.