Maps and data of broadband coverage, availability, gaps and digital equity improvements in L.A County.
Broadband for All ACP Enrollment Tracker
SUMMARY: The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and the Geographical Information Center at Chico State…
CETF ACP Tracker and Map
SUMMARY: Explore this interactive map highlighting California Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Enrollment.
US Census Digital Equity Act Population Viewer
SUMMARY: The U.S. Census Bureau has released the Digital Equity Act Population Viewer, an interactive…
Mapping ACP enrollment in LA County
SUMMARY: LAEDC has commissioned two maps to see by ZIP code across L.A. County the…
ILSR United State(s) of Broadband Map
SUMMARY: The Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR) has released its United State(s) of Broadband…
NDIA California Residential Broadband Map
SUMMARY: NDIA has launched a new version of our California residential broadband map. The map…
Middle Mile Broadband Initiative Interim Final Locations Analysis and Map
SUMMARY: The Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative is a partnership among several entities. As specified in SB…
LA Broadband Gap Analysis by LAEDC’s Institute for Applied Economics Research Analysis
SUMMARY: LAEDC’s Institute for Applied Economics research and analysis on broadband gaps in Los Angeles…
Improving Digital Equity in Los Angeles: Using Data to Address the Digital Divide
SUMMARY: View geographic data on internet access in the City of Los Angeles via this…
Connected Cities and Inclusive Growth
SUMMARY: A zoomable map of L.A. County with details on Residential Broadband Availability, Broadband and…
NTIA’s Indicators of Broadband Need Mapping Application
SUMMARY: This map, created by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), uses several different…
Mobile LTE Coverage Map
SUMMARY: This Federal Communications Commission (FCC) map shows the 4G LTE mobile coverage areas of…
Interactive California Broadband Map
SUMMARY: The CPUC collects data once a year to provide California residents a means to…