Planning for high-quality, sustainable, affordable, and equitable service for households and communities.
01/26/22 Affordability Taskforce Meeting
The Affordability Task Force held its eighth meeting on Jan. 26, 2022, and included representatives from multiple sectors interested in resolving the digital divide in the Los Angeles County region.
The Task Force was given updates on the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Part of the updates included asking Task Force members for feedback on the transition and ways to publicize ACP to community members.
Later, the group discussed a request from the California State Librarian on ways county and local libraries can help address the digital divide. The Task Force was asked for input and ideas for recommendations which would then be considered for inclusion in the State Librarian’s budget request for additional support for our libraries.
Ideas that were discussed included:
Need to know what devices and how many are currently offered for community use
Need to assess localized needs of communities
The need for increased technical support once devices are deployed to community members
Do the locations and physical configurations of libraries – such as sound baffling and private rooms – serve community members’ needs?
What digital literacy training programs are offered and how can they be enhanced?
Thinking of new ways the physical space of a library could be used, such as small, private meeting rooms for video interviews for jobs
The next Affordability Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
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Updated: Jan 28