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01/26/22 Infrastructure Deployment Taskforce Meeting


The Infrastructure Deployment Task Force held its eighth meeting on Jan. 26, 2022, and included representatives across multiple sectors.

The Task Force was given updates on the California Public Utilities Commissioner (CPUC) rulemaking on Local Technical Assistance, the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) funding application deadline postponed, and a variety of local infrastructure projects and funding opportunities.

Later, the Task Force discussed a request from the California State Librarian on ways county and local libraries can help address the digital divide. The Task Force was asked for input and ideas for recommendations which would then be considered for inclusion in the State Librarian’s budget request for additional support for Los Angeles County and local city libraries.

Ideas that were discussed included:

  • Additional support to both purchase devices for community use and technical support for library patrons

  • Conduct survey of County and local libraries on what programs are currently being offered and what broadband access currently exists

  • Survey library patrons to help gain insight on community needs

  • Focus on ways to publicize the availability of devices and digital literacy training

  • Re-consider how public spaces are used by the public for connectivity purposes, such as for job interviews and telehealth calls

  • Consider the creation of new “anchor spaces” to serve the communities’ connectivity needs

The next Infrastructure Deployment Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022, from noon to 1 p.m.


More About This

Updated: Jan 28

Identifying barriers and opportunities to complete high-quality broadband infrastructure deployment to all residents and businesses, especially in unserved and underserved communities.

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